Tuesday 9 June 2009

Life Goes On ...

As time went by, and Mum recovered in Hospital, life at home had to continue.

J went back to school, my brother went back to work and I continued to look after my baby and run the house.
But every evening, after the busy day had gone by, we would go back to the hospital and sit with our Mummy, bring her naughty treats and tell her about our days.

Every day was a huge step. Sitting up by herself, holding a cup, feeding herself, taking herself to the toilet ... but most of all ... smiling, and laughing. It's what we all needed. It seemed like such a long time ago that we sat in that cold hospital room and the Nurse had told us not to expect our Mum to live. And now, here she was eating Brownies and being cheeky to the nurses, nearly back to her normal self!

We would talk about Dad almost every hour of every day. He was such a huge part of our lives that there was no way that it could be ignored, and no way it would want to be. Everyone got upset, everyone cried. But that was important for our grieving, we needed to do that to be able to move on. Dad wouldn't want us sitting at home feeling sorry for ourselves ... he'd want us to remember the good times.

After 3 Months, on January 17th ... Mum came home.

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